In this re-released episode, Ashleigh discusses what she's seen/experienced as the issues in the coaching industry today, and what we can all do to improve it.
As a professional in the health and fitness industry for more than a decade, Ashleigh has worked as a coach and has experience as a client; she’s also worked with, observed, interviewed, and learned from some of the top coaches in the industry. When a coaching experience doesn’t go well, it’s easy to chalk it up to an unmotivated client, or a crappy coach - sometimes this is true, but more often it boils down to miscommunication and unclear goals. A coach/client relationship requires understanding, open-mindedness, respect, and communication (just like every relationship) but often we don’t focus on this; instead we focus on how much money we’re spending, how fit the coach looks, and how long this “getting healthy” process will take. In this episode, Ashleigh breaks down what she sees as the biggest “failures” of both coaches and clients, and how she thinks we can improve the culture and understanding and approach to coaching to improve outcomes and create healthier, happier people.
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